Our Fees

We recognize that each client has different needs, therefore, our fee structure is tailored to meet your individual circumstances. Client fees depend on the services agreed to under a Financial Plan and/or any investment solutions agreed upon and implemented. For additional fees related to financial planning and investment advisory services, please contact us directly to set up an initial complimentary consultation.

Generally, our fee structure is as follows:

1. Fee-based financial planning: Fees are negotiable and are derived in part from your total income, your total assets, net worth, the number of objectives you have and the services provided.

2. Fee-based investment advisory services: A fee is paid on “assets under management” expressed as a percentage. The actual fee paid will vary based on the account value, program(s) selected, and the advisor fee you agree to pay. In this program we offer portfolios that may consist of No-Load, Load Waived, and Institutional Mutual Funds as well as ETFs/ETNs, Stocks, Bonds, or alternative investments as you may agree to invest in.

3. Commission based fees: A commission will be paid to us by the company that you have chosen for the specific product (i.e. an insurance company will pay a commission on an insurance policy once it is issued) or brokerage account.
